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Conducive environment with appropriate support infrastructure will be provided for implementing and establishing the R&D and allied activities along with manning the units.

Research and Development in the Centralized Centre pic1for Excellence located in the Special Knowledge Zone will be the sure way by which knowledge can be harnessed for the best public use and for the betterment of Mankind. Humanity can be lifted out of misery only by Science and Technology and its proper applications leading to innovations. In fact this is only the first step in the difficult ladder of progress, which we have to climb.

Our dream will come true on the day when City of Knowledge in the Special Knowledge Zone with Infrastructural Excellence, where the knowledge based structure comprising Science of Matter and Science of Mind becomes an eye opener to Mankind, then we are sure to lay our footprints on the sands of time. Further our collective intelligence will achieve technological superiority and self reliant and make more technology possible and built a strong and prosperous nation.


We are all conscious of the great spiritual and cultural heritage of our country. The future world is a world of Scientific Applications with spirituality and commerce. Whatever sphere of life we examine we find that we cannot live without the help of Scientific Applications, and this is why we have to determine how our country should progress converting Raw-Talent into Knowledge, Know-How leading to Application and Innovations.

We should produce world class professionalsneed. We do not require them in few numbers. We require them in tens of thousands. Today we are aware that our Ocean Of Knowledge, which is a vast and boundless one. We have the capacity to sail on it but we are unable to sail for want of Infrastructural facilities.

Each Knowledge seeker will have the opportunity to browse in his own path, thus adding tiny bit by bit to the Mountain Of Knowledge. The field of Knowledge is so vast that each contributor will be a specialist in his own field, thus leading to Innovations and Applications.

We Indians have exhibited our physical talent during the 70’s & 80’s by playing the major role in Infrastructural Development in the Middle Eastern and Western world, during the 90’s & 2000 we have demonstrated our mental calibre by playing an important role in development of the CYBER WORLD. Now in the 21st century we don’t need to prove ourselves hereafter about our strength and calibre, all that we need to do now is to join in the great task of transforming the lot of Indian people through the intelligent and wide spread use of our Knowledge into Know-how, Application and Innovations. Every man in this part of the continent should have the access to our infrastructure of the scientific development of our country; as knowledge grows in the country, it influences power and effectiveness will increase rapidly. The interaction between knowledge and society is a dynamic and evolving phenomenon. To meet this challenge we require a ‘Creative Amalgam”, a sublime combination of Knowledge, Spirituality and Commerce in this Special Knowledge Zone.

A deeper sense of progress in society depends on our willingness and capacity to seek knowledge and its duty and obligation cutout. In this context it is very important to note that the fundamental characteristic of knowledge leading to Know-how, Application and Innovation is cumulative. We must first know low to harness this knowledge property before we can profit fully.

For the growth of knowledge material sources and infrastructure are necessary.  Hence our Specific Mission of creating the total infrastructure to benefit mankind and to transform Tamil Nadu, into A City Of Future, Seat Of Knowledge And Centralized Centre Of Excellence, in  all comprising of  knowledge based activity  representing the finest and the most advanced skill-sets of man .  Before we rush ahead towards the powerful ocean of knowledge, we need to create Special Economic Zone.
The Special Knowledge Zone proposes to create the facility for research and advance research into various Stream Of Knowledge based activities to name a few such  as :-

Data Warehousing Drug Discovery
Software Development Combinatorial Chemistry
Hardware Development Environmental Bio Technology
Medical Diagnostics Semi Conductor Research
Bio-Science Multi Media and Entertainment
Super Ceramics Off Shore Banking
Membrane Technology Herbals and Green House for Medicinal value
Non Conventional Energy Development of E-Commerce
Optical Fibre Technology Genetic Science
Materials Technology DNA Chip

Thus the essential factor for developing the knowledge city will be the creation of the right kind of ambience that attracts professionals and academics and encouraging them to spend their working life here. Creating such an ambience would call for making available all the necessary services. Knowledge City will be created in 3000 acres of land over a period of 5 years in three phases.

Phase 1 Development of land and basic infrastructure
Phase 2 Creation of the Centralized Center of Excellence and housing facilities
Phase 3 Creation of other amenities, recreation facilities

Knowledge city, a vision of INMA International Limited is devotedly pursued to bring it to fruition, It aims to make this global friendly with policies dedicated to accelerate the related activities and services that meets the needs of globalised world. It will help in achieving the National objectives of fostering a technically skilled nation in various fields of activities, thereby contribution to develop other developing and under developed countries.


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Mission & Vision
The Need
Founding Members
Founding Investors
Salient Features
Proposed Activities & Support infrastructure
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Designed by Radical Networks